Downloads & Links
Below, you will find all the necessary documents and forms you will need during your studies.
For all AMASE students
As part of this Master you will live in two different European cities. This means you will need to get used to two different administrative and cultural settings. The following guide will help you get an overview of what to expect during your studies.
It contains all the important information you need to find your way through the university “jungle” and to start planning your stay abroad (e.g. visa requirements, housing, contacts, etc.).
Here you can find the current AMASE Study Plan/Studienplan (Also check the courses here).
It is a requirement to achieve 15 Credit Points in the module of Transversal skills:
(at least 10 CP in semester 1 and 2, at least 5 CP in semester 3):
The 15 CP have to cover:
- 1 CP for the Integration Week
- 1 CP for the Professional Summer School
- at least 6 CP for language courses (normally the languages of your 1st or 2nd university)
- at least 3 CP of further transversal skills courses
The corresponding 1 CP for the participation in the Integration Week is registered in the transcript of records of your First University. You must send your certificate of participation issued by Eusmat to your local coordinator (exception LTU, Eusmat takes care of it). Please contact your first university directly for further instructions.
The corresponding 1 CP for the participation in the Professional Summer School is registered in the transcript of records of your Second University. You must send your certificate of participation issued by Eusmatto your local coordinator (exception LTU, Eusmat takes care of it) . Please contact your second university directly for further instructions.
In the case of UdS, you must send the “Anerkennungsbogen” filled in with your data. Please read the instructions under “Transversal skills form – UdS”
All AMASE students are allowed to submit a reimbursement form for specific costs (see Student Guide).
Reimbursement form: please print out, fill in, sign and submit to the EUSMAT Office via email.
Make sure your contact and bank information is complete and correct!
For scholarship holders: Reimbursements can only be made to the same bank account as the scholarship transfers.
Possible reimbursement costs (please read the specifications in the Student Guide):
- Contribution to health insurance (scholarship holders, up to 171 €/semester)
- Travel costs (self-financing students, specific max. amount)
- German intensive language course at UdS (one-time refund, from intake 2023 onward)
- Language course at MUL (one per semester, up to 50€)
- Semester fee at UdS (scholarship holders)
*In the semester in which the master’s thesis is written, NO language courses can be refunded. Neither can we reimburse the costs for a German test certificate.
You can find the Study Regulations Framework for the “European Master Programme in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering (AMASE)” to download here.
This document is the agreement between the AMASE consortium and the accepted student: student agreement
At the end of the AMASE programme, after completing all credits and requirements in both universities, the students can ask for the “Degree Certificate of AMASE”.
Please contact the examination office at UdS.
For AMASE students at UdS
To register for an exam at UdS, students muss send a filled out form each semester at least two weeks before the examination. For more information, please contact the examination office on time!
Examination office UdS:
Heike-Eva Krieger
Here you can download the registration form for the tests: Examination registration/Prüfungsanmeldung
Master’s thesis:
As soon as each student has already registered their master’s thesis and it has been accepted, they will receive precise instructions from the examination office on how to submit their work and the specific steps to follow. If you have further questions, pelase contact the examination office.
All AMASE students with Saarland University combination are required to do an internship. If the student already has proof of internship during their bachelor studies, this could be also accepted after confirmation of the coordinator.
In the following link you can find the specific Internship regulations/Richtlinien Berufspraktikum.
After finishing the internship, the student must send per email to Dr. Michael Marx (Lehrstuhl für Experimentelle Methodik der Werkstoffwissenschaften):
– their self-written internship report
– the certificate from the company where the internship was completed
To receive the corresponding Credit Points for the different courses in the module Transversal Skills -including IW and PSS certificates- at UdS and register the CPs into your transcript of records, you must first fillout this form and send it to Dr. Claudia Heß (Eusmat) for her approval. Please read the following instructions: Leitfaden Transversale Kompetenzen.
Please complete your information in the following form and send it as explained to Eusmat office: Anerkennungsbogen Transversale Kompetenzen
This form must be signed by EUSMAT before sending it to the examination office for the recognition of the corresponding CPs.
Student with UdS combination must send an application to obtain a UdS diploma (Antrag auf Abschlusszeugnis für Studenten der UdS).
Please contact the examination office at UdS.
- Intensive German language courses at UdS (before semester begins).
- German courses during the semester at UdS
- Studying in Germany as a student with diabilities
Examination office UdS:
Heike-Eva Krieger
Campus E1.3, Room 2.02
Universität des Saarlandes
66123 Saarbrücken
Tel: +49 681 302 3853
Information and links for each University
Official homepage: LTU
Academic calendar
Guide for housing at LTU
Housing Information for Erasmus Mundus students
Department: Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
RISE Sweden
Further useful links
Scholarships | EU Scholarship-Finder DAAD-Scholarship data base Erasmus+ Erasmus+ Master Loans Stiftung Warentest: This page gives an overview over the quality of scholarships. Only available in German. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung |
EU-Websites | www.em-a.e |
studyportals | |
Travel documents from AMASE scholarship holders
Please follow this link to the formular in order to upload the requested documents.