There are several international Master Programmes and Cooperations for students of Materials Science and Engineering. 

  • The  AMASE Master is a cooperation of six European universities:

  UdS – Universität des Saarlandes, Germany

 LTU – Luleå tekniska universitet, Sweden

 UPC – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

 UL – Université de Lorraine, France

 UNIPD – Università degli studi di Padova, Italy

 MUL – Montanuniversität Leoben

You choose two out ot these six universities and obtain a double degree. 

  • The EEIGM Programme is the continuation of the EEIGM Bachelor with the possibility to obtain a German-French double degree. Students of AMASE can join EEIGM as well, if they study at UL.
  • I.DEAR is a new cooperation between UdS and Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata in Argentina. It is a 12 month scholarship programme, including one semester at the university and an industrial internship.
  • KOSPIE is a new combined study and practice residencies for engineers from Argentina, Colombia and Mexico that can be done in our university, the Saarland University in Germany, and it is sponsored by DAAD.

Furthermore it is possible to do max. 2 semester as Erasmus+ student at one of our partner universities.
