The Team

Get to know the team of EUSMAT

The EUSMAT team consits of several people in charge of different tasks: the Directors Board represents EUSMAT and gives the directives for its further development. Every member is especially responsible for one programme. Prof. Mücklich is mainly in charge of AMASE and DocMASE. Prof. Busch is responsible for Atlantis and Prof. Bähre for EEIGM.
Flavio Soldera, Claudia Heß and the EUSMAT Office Team manage all these programmes as well as the exchange and research projects. The technical project officers are in charge of academic matters of defined programmes (e.g. Dr. Gallino-Busch for the Atlantis programme).

Directors Board

Headshot of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Muecklich
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Frank Mücklich
Chairman, Coordinator AMASE, DocMASE, I.DEAR, PhD-Track
Campus D3.3, room 3.23
Headshot of Prof. Dr-Ing. Dirk Baehre
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Dirk Bähre
Coordinator EEIGM – Coordinator Industrial partnerships
Campus A4.2, Raum 1.15
Headshot of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Busch
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Ralf Busch
Coordinator Transatlantic Bachelor Atlantis
Campus C 6.3, Room 5.02

General Management

Headshot of Dr.-Ing. Flavio Soldera
Flavio Soldera
Managing Director
Campus D3.3, room 3.18
Headshot of Dr. Phil. Claudia Hess
Dr. phil.
Claudia Heß
Deputy Managing Director
Campus D3.3, room 3.19

Eusmat Office

International project manager and content manager at EUSMAT office since 2020
Manja König
International Project Manager & Content Manager
Campus D3.3, room 3.19
Student assistant at EUSMAT office since 2020.
Paulina Urueta
Campus D3.3, room 3.18
Julia Groß
Campus D3.3, room 3.19
Teddy Linggani
Campus D3.3, room 3.19
Koushik Chowdhury

Examination office at UdS
Heike-Eva Krieger
Examination Office
Campus E1.3, Room 2.02

Technical project officers

Franziska Maurer
M. Sc.
Franziska Maurer
Technical Coordinator EEIGM
Campus A4 2, Raum 1.13.1
Prof. Dr. Emeritus
Christian P.Stehr
U.S. Project manager

We thank all former employees of EUSMAT and wish you all the best for your future career!

our former employees:
  • Johanna Sierhaus
    Stephanie Barbian
  • Nina Baier
  • Eva-Lena Battenhausen
  • Julia Baumgart
  • Johannes Bernhard
  • Francesca Brill
  • Christine Danzer
  • Frauke Diekamp
  • Katrin Erhardt de Carriòn
  • Rebekka Evenschor
  • Sharara Ferdous
  • Katrin Heil
  • Josephine Kretschmer
  • Nadine Kreutz
  • Kerstin Krüger
  • Miriam Neumann
  • Vanessah Aurore Reck
  • Bettina Schneider
  • Olga Stern
