Processing and Characterization of Advanced Composites for Resource-Efficient Applications and Technologies
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 – Grant agreement ID: 644013.
The aim of CREATe-Network is to provide a platform for international and intersectoral collaboration between different academic and non-academic institutions in Europe, Latin America, USA and South Africa in the multidisciplinary field of advanced composite materials. The project was developed between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2018.
The cooperation was based on the exchange of PhD students and experienced researchers from academy and industry, complemented with two network workshops and one final network conference.
The CREATe-Network is composed of 3 academic institutions in Europe:
- Saarland University, Germany
- Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
- INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Germany
3 non-academic institutions in Europe:
- AB Sandvik Coromant, Sweden
- Steinbeis Research and Innovation Centers – Materials Engineering Center Saar, Germany
- Nanoforce Ltd., United Kingdom, and
8 academic partners outside Europe:
- CSIR – Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa
- Universidad Católica de Uruguay, Uruguay
- Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales, Argentina
- Universidad de Concepción, Chile
- Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Georgia Institue of Technology, United States
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and
- Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina
The network cooperated in the field of design, processing and characterization of novel composite materials for resource-efficient applications and environmentally friendly technologies, in particular energy storage, bearings, electrical contacts, and cutting tools.