I.DEAR-Materials is a cooperation programme with the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata in Argentina.The programme is supported by I.DEAR (Ingenieure Deutschland-Argentinien) and coordinated by EUSMAT. It enables Master students of Materials Science and Engineering to spend one year in Argentina/Germany.
Students from the Universität des Saarlandes (UdS) or the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen (FAU) spend the first 6 months at the university in Argentina and the last 6 months they carry out research in a company and write their master thesis. Same offer for Argentinian master students from Mar del Plata. They can spend 6 months at UdS or FAU and then do an internship at a German company for 6 months where they’ll write their master thesis, as well. Best part: the year abroad is completely funded!
Note: As this programme is aimed at German and Argentinean students, the next pages will be in German and Spanish
Informationen für deutsche Información para Argentinos