1st International Network Meeting of EUSMAT – 2017
The meeting took place from 31 March to 7 April 2017 at the Saarland University. 121 persons participated of the the different events, which included different meetings, excursions and workshops.
Alumni Meeting and opening of the Chapter MWWT
The Alumni Meeting and the opening of the Chapter MWWT of the Universitätsgesellschaft des Saarlandes e.V was the optimal framework for alumni, students and university staff to get to know each other and remember previous time at the university.
The Universitätsgesellschaft des Saarlandes e.V. (University association) wants to bring researchers, coworkers and students of the university in intensive contact with former students and sponsors. The Materials Science and Engineer Chapter should concentrate the interest of this special field, promoting joint activities among the alumni of national and international MSE programmes.
Prof. Claus Daniel, from Oak Ridge National Lab, gives a talk about the future of mobility. Prof. Andrés Lasagni, from TU Dresden and Frauhofer IWS, giving a talk about laser patterning.
The Chapter was opened with the participation of Dr. Hano Dornseifer, President, and Prof. Frank Mücklich, CEO and Directory Member of the Uni-Gesellschaft. The former PhD-students Prof. Claus Daniel and Prof. Andrés Lasagni presented two fascinating invited talks.
Workshop “Recent Trends in Microstructure Characterization”
This relaxed and homey workshop brought together selected world-wide experts in this field to present and discuss about the current trends in these topics together and inspired by PhD students and younger international researchers from different countries.
Prof. Peter Felfer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, giving a talk about Atom Probe Tomography. Dr. Lionel Germain, Laboratoire the D´Étude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux, University of Lorraine during his talk at the workshop.
The workshop included the following presentations and activities:
Topic A: High throughput and in situ microstructure characterization
- Prof. Dr. Frank Mücklich (Saarland University), “How to understand 3D-Microstructures in the Micro, Nano and Atomic Scale”
- Dr. Simon Zabler (Fraunhofer IIS, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg), “Current and future trends in industrial CT: Towards high-throughput volume analysis of automotive parts”
- Prof. Dr. Christian Motz (Saarland University), “New insights into plasticity and damage evolution of materials by micro-mechanical testing”
- Prof. Dr. Guillermo Requena (German Aerospace Center – RWTH Aachen), “Exploiting volumetric characterization techniques to re-design Ti-based alloys by additive manufacturing”
Topic B: Phase transformation – plastic deformation – orientation contrast microscopy
- Dr. Lionel Germain (Laboratoire the D´Étude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux, University of Lorraine), “Advanced tools to characterize phase transformations“
- Dr. Tim Dahmen (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence), “Data analysis for MSE”
- Prof. Dr. Peter Felfer (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg),“Atom probe tomography of nano materials. Status and current developments”
Topic C: High resolution multiscale microstructure characterization
- Dr. Stefan Zaefferer (Max Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung), „Measurement and observation of elastic stresses and plastic strain phenomena at a local scale using SEM-based diffraction techniques”
- Dr. Timothy Burnett (The University of Manchester), „Multiscale 3D microstructure analysis through correlation of X-ray computed tomography and focussed ion beam serial sectioning“
Prof. Peter Felfer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, giving a talk about Atom Probe Tomography. Dr. Lionel Germain, Laboratoire the D´Étude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux, University of Lorraine during his talk at the workshop.
Visits to Institutes at Saarbrücker Campus:
- DFKI-German Center for Artificial Intelligence
- IZfP-Fraunhofer Institute für non Destructive Testing
- INM-Leibniz Institute for New Materials
- MECS-Materials Engineering Center Saarland.
Visit of Iron Works Dillinger Hütte and dinner at Guest house of Dillinger Hütte

International Materials Research Meeting in the Greater Region: “Current Trends in the Characterisation of Materials and Surface Modification”
On 6th and 7th of April 2017 took place the “International Materials Research Meeting in the Greater Region” at the Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. This meeting corresponded to the 9th EEIGM International Conference on Advanced Materials Research and it was intended as a meeting place for researchers of the Greater Region as well as their partners of the different cooperation activities, like the EEIGM program, the ‘Erasmus Mundus’ Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Master program (AMASE), the ‘Erasmus Mundus’ Doctoral Program in Materials Science and Engineering (DocMASE) and the CREATe-Network. .
Coffee break and Poster Session during the International Materials Research Meeting Prof. Manfred Schmitt, President of the Saarland University, receives a present from Dr. Matthias Maurer, former student of the Saarland University and the EEIGM programme and currently astronaut of the European Space Agency.
On this meeting, 72 participants from 15 countries and 24 institutions discussed and exchanged ideas on the latest trends in the characterization of materials and surface modifications. Different aspects of the material research of metals, ceramics, polymers and biomaterials were presented. As a conclusion of the meeting, the new astronaut of the European Space Agency Dr. Matthias Maurer, who is an alumni of the Saarland University and the EEIGM, held an exciting presentation about his activities.
The papers of the conference wer published in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, and can be downloaded here.

The whole event was supported by the DAAD (Alumni-Programm
zur Betreuung und Bindung ausländischer Alumni – AA – Auswertiges Amt), the Franco-German Univerisity (PhD-Track in Materials Science and Engineering) and the European Commission (Erasmus Mundus Master Programme AMASE and Erasmus Mundus Doctorate DocMASE).