Take two out of four

Study in two languages

Within the AMASE Master you do not only gain valuable knowledge in Materials Science and Engineering, you also learn two of the four most widespread European languages.

You study with local students and get to know the culture of your host countries, increasing your later job opportunities.

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which Visa do I need?
EUSMAT – Professional Summer School 2018 – Universität des Saarlandes

AMASE students must have a valid Visa for the respective country they study in.

As an EU-citizen, you do not need a Visa. EU-citizens may live, work and travel freely in all countries which are part of the Schengen-agreement.

Students from outside the EU have to apply for a Visa at least twice: The first time to get a Visa for the Entrance University, the second time to get a Visa for the Second University. If you should decide to write the Master’s Thesis back at the Entrance University, you will have to apply a third time.

We recommend you apply for a Schengen-Visaif possible. With this Visa, you will not have any problems to get to Germany for the Integration Week and PSS.

Even if you only have a Visa for one of the other countries, you are usually allowed to travel all over Europe. However, these regulations may vary from country to country, so please get in touch with the respective embassy. 
The Visa procedure can take up to several months in different countries, so you should start the application as soon as possible.

Especially for Non-European students without scholarship, the embassies might ask for a proof of payment showing that you have already transferred the participation costs for the first semester. Therefore we recommend you transfer the payment as soon as possible, otherwise your Visa might be rejected.

Special information for Germany

For information regaring visa in Germany please go to the following link.

Self-financing students from outside the EU coming to Germany have to open a so called “Sperrkonto“. This is a blocked account which proves that you have enough money to live in Germany for one year.
Please check the following link for more detailed information.

Special information for Spain

In the following link you can find specific information provided by UPC for applying for visa for Spain.

Special information for Sweden

In the following link you can find specific information provided by LTU for applying for visa for Sweden.

Special information for France

In the following link you can find specific information provided by UL for applying for a visa for France.

Special information for Italy

In the following link you can find specific information provided by UNIPD for applying for a visa for Italy.

Special information for Austria

In the following link you can find specific information provided by MUL for applying for a visa for Austria.
Students who decide to study at Montanuniversität Leoben have to apply for a visa (for stays up to 6 months = 1 semester) or a residence permit student (for stays longer than 6 months) at the competent Austrian representation authority in their country of residence. For the application for a residence permit student, legalised documents must be submitted. Therefore, please find out early enough which documents have to be legalised and which kind of legalisation you will need. Please also note that legalisation and application procedures can take several weeks.

Where AMASE students come from